A man is kneeling down in the woods looking at a plant.


Contact us to get a free evaluation of your property's vulnerability to wildfires and provide recommendations for creating or improving defensible space, hardening your home, and/or installing suppression systems. You may even qualify for a $250 payment from the Oregon State Fire Marshal, simply for having a professional evaluate your property.

A person is cutting a tree with a chainsaw in the woods

Defensible space refers to the area around your home that is modified to reduce the risk of wildfire spreading to or from your property. A study by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety found that homes with proper defensible space are four times more likely to survive a wildfire. It helps protect not just your home but also neighboring properties. We will create a defensible space around your home to specifications created by fire agencies.

Defensible Space

A house with a triangle shaped roof

Home Hardening

Home hardening is the process of making your home more resistant to wildfires by strengthening its structure and using fire-resistant materials. Embers are small particles of burning material that are carried by the wind, often for miles ahead of the actual fire front and can ignite your home or property even if the fire itself doesn’t directly reach it. Making the proper modifications to your home can dramatically increase the chances of your home surviving a wildfire.

A wooden house with a gutter on the side of it and a sprinkler system soaking the exterior.

Suppression Systems

For most homeowners, the most practical systems are roof sprinklers and exterior sprinklers. These can help create a buffer that minimizes the chance of embers igniting the home. Some properties may benefit from a water tank and a pump. We can install systems or help coordinate with third-parties to get the proper system for your home and budget.